AYB Yachts


Click Profile to Sign Up and Sign In.

A very warm welcome to our site to both Users and Sellers

AYB Yachts is in BETA version 

Currently, in order to gain a full inventory to test the system under full load, anyone may sign up and enter their yachts free of charge.

We welcome reports of issues that need to be fixed on the site. At the foot of this page is a section showing the issues we are currently aware of and shall tackle.
Below that is the contact link you can use to let us know what you have found.


Create Your Account

First select Profile

A drop-down panel appears . At the bottom select Sign up.

Complete the form

Especially the last 2 tick boxes …

        ¦ ¦ “I accept the terms of the service”

        ¦  ¦ “Sign up as a Dealer


Adding Your Item

Select the box Add your item

Enter the price as figures only in the first box

Start typing in Manufacturer, be very careful to spell correctly or you listing will be excluded from searches. In this example the fake name abracadabra returns a message “No results found”

If this happens to you select the Plus sign and your new entry for the manufacturer will be added when the listing is saved.

(note, sometimes your entry is lost before you save the listing.

In that case, you have to enter it again and try saving the listing again)

Continue entering other fields in the Listing Item Details section that apply to your boat.

Fields with an asterisk must be  filled.

Price has to be entered a second time,at present,  for technical reasons

When entering the location, type in until you get a dropdown list or single item to select.

When you have selected an option, the two fields Latitude and Longitude will be completed automatically as confirmation. This controls the location map.

(It is possible to enter just Longitude and Latitude manually, but typing the name if a town is usually quicker and easier)

Enter Sellers Notes

Formatting is available in the top bar of this section.

 If you copy and paste from a webpage, much of the formatting will be copied.

(Tell a good story to enthuse buyers!).

Upload Photo

Currently the limit is 20 photos. If you are an AYB member contact us if you want to add more. The limit will be increased later.

At present there is a limit of 20 listings per seller, let us know if you need more.

Every Listing currently invites browsers to

  •  Insure the yacht, 
  • Schedule a viewing, 
  • Share the listing
  • Add to compare
  • Print the page

All of which encourage browsers to engage as well as the option to call or message the named seller.

Listing Features

We intend to add to these lists and welcome your suggestions via Contact in the menu.

Just tick what you want to show, unticked features will not appear.

The items you tick will appear(along with the column headers) Just below your description and above the Location map

 as in the following screenshot







List of known issues we plan to address 

(it’s got much shorter !!)

Sellers list “Show More” button not working

In the gallery below main image, there are black “Ghost images” added at the end (one for each live image).

Only 4 yachts are displaying price in title as well as blue box.

In header Profile link, login pop-up. The link for”Forgot password” is incorrect.