"About Time" is a superbly finished and well-maintained example of the famed Maine-built Duffy 35 Lobster Yacht. Duffy 35's have the traditional lobster boat design hard working lobster fishermen have been relying on for decades to get them safely out to sea and back in nearly all conditions. The hull shape, with fine forefoot and flat after sections, produces a wave-slicing bow in head-seas and the wide and flat stern provides stability and good speed while underway. Combine those characteristics with a finely finished interior and you have a perfect solution to adventure out on the water in your area, or cruise the boat on grand voyages to far away places in comfort and style.
Seaworthiness, economy and practicality of use are fundamental characteristics of quality Maine-built lobster boats. Combine those attributes with "About Time's" comfort of use and finish, and you have a vessel which will be admired and respected.