Bottom job - Oct 2024 - Stately in appearance, this Selene 53 has the perfect configuration for economical and reliable long-range cruising. Stabilized for cruising comfort, "Andiamo" is your answer for memorable adventures and nimble handling when leaving or approaching docks; equipped with both bow and stern thrusters and outside wing stations on both sides of the Portuguese bridge for excellent view and easy communications with crew and dockhands.
Discerning Captains choose quality brands and well thought out designs; and Selene delivers on all fronts. Luxuriously appointed interior design of the Selene 53 provides a mini-megayacht feel for all aboard. Comfort and style are built into these boats and attention to detail is what Selene owners expect from the brand, and Andiamo delivers both outside and inside the boat.
Andiamo has been well maintained and upgraded throughout its life.