
Crypto currency research project

Having looked at many crypto currency mining and pseudo-mining options we decided the best option is to join the Pi ...

Electric outboards

We have found Caroute Motors to be suitable and best value for money. We use the Caroute W300 With conventional ...

New Yacht Fit-Out

Whether it's Brand Spanking New, or just New To You, Selecting the right new gear is crucial. At The Houseboat ...

Passive Income from Web

Yacht Brokers like most business people, spend a lot of time on the internet. So we have looked at a ...

Project Research (ongoing) For Social Media management

After 12 great years, The AYB and Houseboat Centre websites have been completely redesigned. The reason is that internet buying ...

Project Research (ongoing) Solar Power

The Houseboat Centre has previously completed five Solar Power projects and now the sixth has commenced. The object is to ...

Project research conclusion for Secure Password storage

For Yacht Brokers it is vital to have a secure means of storing your online passwords, Bank details and card ...

Project Research Conclusion For Cloud IT policy

Cloud based office IT for Yacht brokers was implemented and recommended to members by AYB in 2006 using WebOffice, then ...

Project Research Conclusion For International Money transfers

Yacht Brokers often have to advise and assist in transfers of deposits between countries. The cost can be very high ...

The Houseboat Book

Everything you ever wanted to know about living on houseboats, but didn’t dare to ask! The author David Greenaway founded ...

Windy 8000

See on facebook Length 8,00 m =26’3” Beam 2,83 m = 9’3” Height including cradle 2,24 m 7’4” Original ...

Yachting Statistics

The goal for this project was to find the best way to source and obtain statistics on Yachting. The result ...


If you have read our ABOUT page you will know that AYB conducts a lot of research in subjects of interest to Yacht Brokers (and in many cases, also to the yachting public at large)

We are currently operating from Gulf Awa Navy alongside the beautiful lake Tarnita in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania.

Research Projects are designed to find economical and effective systems and products for the benefit of Yacht Brokers  as well as Houseboat and Yacht owners.

Some of the solutions are suitable for a much wider audience, but we always have in mind the independent Yacht Broker who has to manage everything and survive the inevitable peaks and troughs of cash-flow in spite of the very high cost of advertising

You may profit by these conclusions from selected AYB Research Projects.

Secure Password storage

International Money transfers

Cloud IT policy

The Houseboat Book

Solar Power

Social Media management

Passive Income from Internet


AYB now offers a quick and easy way for Yacht Brokers, Dealers and other Yacht industry service providers to tap into the globe-leading selling power of Facebook.

Social Media marketing can seem a confusing nightmare, particularly for those whose early campaigns consisted of adverts in Yachting magazines.

AYB have established for their members, a sophisticated integrated network of “Yachts for Sale ” groups within Facebook, harnessing the synergy between the integrated network and the Facebook algorithm.

For it to work optimally, members are required to comply with precise rules to ensure their posts gain maximum momentum and contribute to the smooth running of the whole operation.

In return for a professional approach to posting, AYB promise sellers

“You can be sure your posts will appear to those of the 3 Billion plus Facebook users Who want Your type of boat or service in  Your location. – The highly sought after “Philosopher’s Stone” of Yacht Marketing.

Yachts Classified

all is explained step by step in our GUIDE in the menu (& if you don ‘t want to read it -there is a video!)